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IoT This May

Hear how Lac Viet’s technologies ensure that patients spend less time waiting in hospitals, be it for registration, appointments or payments. Next, discover how businesses can seamlessly integrate face recognition into their existing Intel® IoT deployments with CyberLink’s advanced FaceMe® solution.

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Smart Healthcare
20 May, 2020 | 12:00 PM SGT; 09:30 AM IST; 02:00 PM AEST
Speaker: Giang Tran, Education Content Manager, Lac Viet Computing Corporation.
Giang is a graduate of Bachelor of Foreign Languages from Ho Chi Minh city (HCMC) Pedagogy University. She has been a Content Developer then an Education Content Manager at Lac Viet since 2013.
She is currently Head of the team to design, develop and deliver the training interactive language lessons and Relationship Manager with Data Science Department.

How CyberLink FaceMe® Enables Facial Recognition on Intel® IoT Platforms
20 May, 2020 | 02:00 PM SGT; 11:30 AM IST; 04:00 PM AEST
Speaker: Mei Guu, COO, CyberLink Corp.
Mei Guu has over two decades of experience at CyberLink. She started with the research and development of core multimedia technologies and currently manages the company’s OEM business partnerships and directs operations for B2B business units.

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