New Edge AI Opportunities for Smart Factories, Businesses & Cities
The sophistication of today’s edge technology allows for the capture, processing, and analysis of visuals in near real-time. For both public and private organisations, this presents a chance to rethink processes and operations.
How would you approach personalization if entry kiosks could identify regular shoppers? Consider how 3D sensing could enhance warehouse operations, or the benefits of scaling intelligent video surveillance across your entire CCTV fleet.
This webinar series fleshes out these and other intriguing innovation scenarios for real-world digital transformation. Across four in-depth sessions, you can explore seven partner-led offerings demonstrating the power of edge vision. Pick one or all!
Surging demand for video analytics is being met by a flood of readymade solutions. Experts, however, recommend open-platform based solutions for ease of adaptability in the long term. Gorilla’s future-ready offering—IVAR—delivers this flexibility, besides easy integrability with existing infrastructure, making it ideal for a broad array of use cases. Watch now to hear all about it.
Inside Sales Executive,
Intel Corp.
CEO and Co-Founder, Gorilla Technology
Part 1 | AIRA: Smart Site Management with AI
Field management solutions must be supported by a strong ecosystem. They must offer a powerful feature set built for scalability and ease of deployment. Find out how AIRA’s offering covers these key bases, the hardware and software requirements, details of implementation, and more.
Part 2 | Merit LILIN: Smart City Video Management Via Edge AI & Cloud
Intelligent video solutions serve a range of functions in smart transport and city management. This segment features an Intel-based solution meant for self-driving public transport, general traffic management and law enforcement scenarios. Don’t miss it.
Field Sales Engineer, Intel Corp.
Inside Sales Executive, Intel Corp.
CEO, AIRA Corporation
Product Manager, Merit LILIN Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Part 1 | LIPS: The Most Comprehensive 3D AI Platform on Intel
Hardware-software compatibility is often a stumbling block when it comes to 3D sensing deployments. LIPS’ Intel-based solution resolves these issues to expedite time-to-market, making 3D vision more accessible and viable for enterprise use cases.
Part 2 | Touch Cloud: AI-based Cross-camera Tracking Solution
Cross-camera tracking is a common requirement in surveillance. However, algorithm complexity and compute demands make it cumbersome. Hear how Touch Cloud’s solution makes use of Intel® technology to establish a robust, high performance framework for cross-camera tracking.
Inside Sales Executive, Intel Corp.
Field Sales Engineer, Intel Corp.
CMO, LIPS Corporation
CEO, Touch Cloud
Part 1 | CyberLink: Facial Recognition at the Edge with FaceMe
Facial recognition is in great demand, but scalability, integrability and accuracy remain a concern. FaceMe is optimized to run on most hardware configurations, from high-end workstations to low-power chipsets typically used in IoT devices. Find out how enterprises can leverage this flexibility for a range of edge use cases.
Part 2 | Yuan: Edge AI for Video Capture with Intel OpenVINO™
Unlike conventional edge computing systems, Yuan SDK spans the entire video AI workflow. Built to function atop diverse operating systems, it affords customers flexibility in terms of their hardware and software architecture. Register now to watch this session on how businesses can benefit from Yuan SDK.
Inside Sales Executive, Intel Corp.
Marketing Director, CyberLink Corp.
Product Manager, Yuan High-Tech Development Co., Ltd.
Explore new perspectives on network computing, smart education and IoT for the 5G era.
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